
Alison Jennings is a Seattle-based poet who worked as a journalist and an accountant and taught English and math in public schools before returning to her first love, poetry. Since then, she has had a mini-chapbook and 80 other poems published internationally in numerous journals, including Amethyst Review, Cathexis Northwest Press, Meat for Tea, Mslexia, Poetic Sun, Red Door, Society of Classical Poets, Sonic Boom, Stone Poetry, and The Raw Art Review. She has also won 3rd Place/Honorable Mention or been a semi-finalist in several contests. For more details and links to her published poems, visit her website at https://sites.google.com/view/airandfirepoet/home.

Other Works

  • Desire and Despair


Awards and Recognition

  • 3rd place/Honorable Mention/Commendation in several poetry contests - see website at https://sites.google.com/view/airandfirepoet/home for details