
I live and work in New York City. I completed my first work of fiction in 2024. I am the author and co-author of four non-fiction books including the bestselling The Joy of Cybersex (Macmillan/Brady Computer Books, 1993), net.talk (Ziff-Davis Press, 1994), net.sex (Ziff-Davis Press, 1995), and Penthouse Guide to Cybersex (General Media, 1995).

I have had hundreds of articles published, both under my name as a columnist for Computer Life magazine and contributor to Longevity and Penthouse magazine, and as a ghostwriter for corporate clients with my firm, Vorticom Inc., an award-winning public relations and social media consultancy in New York.

Prior to establishing Vorticom, I led technology practices at three top ten global public relations agencies: Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, Grey Advertising's GCI Group, and Publicis.

My first professional job was as violist for the Filarmonica de las Americas in Mexico City at the age of 17 years old.