
I was educated as an orthopedic surgeon and remain one to this day. But from a young age I have harbored this writer trying to escape. In the mid-nineties I began to research an era of history in which I had long been intrigued, and few years later, I wrote my first historical novel, THE NEW WORLD. Achieving some success, my inner writer helped produce seven more books and what became the eight-book ALLARD SAGA.
On completion of BOOK EIGHT: THE CHIEF, he suggested a new genre, and THE CORRIDOR, a dark tale of outrageous healthcare fraud in the inner city of Detroit, was published in 2010 followed by THE PAIN DOC, a similar thriller concerning healthcare fraud and addiction in a much more opulent setting. Fulfilling the trilogy came THE LABYRINTH set in home healthcare, the mother lode of potential healthcare fraud.
Most recent is FEARFUL PASSAGE NORTH, a return to historical fiction following the life of Elizabeth Price, a young girl living at the final frontier of Puritan New England in 1704 where she and much of her small community are taken in a vicious Indian raid and marched through the snows of Vermont to Montréal where she must find a new life. See the featured work below.

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