
Julia Lee Barclay-Morton, PhD, is an award-winning writer and theater director, produced and published internationally; THE MORTALITY SHOT, a hybrid collection of essays, stories and experimental stage text published in October 2022 by Liquid Cat Books; the stage text is Respairation or You Have to Unmute Yourself—written while recovering from long-haul COVID and in the midst of an autism spectrum diagnostic process—was performed as part of IATI's Women's Festival in March 2022; a 22-hour radio broadcast of two decades of Julia's experimental stage texts in collaboration with sound artist Viv Corringham commissioned by Radio Art Zone for Esch2022 European Capital of Culture in Luxembourg was broadcast in September 2022; recent stories and essays published in [PANK], Prairie Schooner and Heavy Feather Review, winner of Nomadic Press Bindle Prize for story published as chapbook, and play On the edge of/a cure was produced by Rogue Players at The Playroom. Her play Shit was given a staged reading at IATI as part of the Cimientos play development program in 2018, and her plays have been performed in NYC at HERE, The Brick, Red Room, and St. Mark's among others. A Best of the Net nominee, she was also chosen for the Indie Theater Hall of Fame in 2014. She has been in residence at Vermont Studio Center and the Wesleyan Writers Conference. Other publications include Ohio Edit, Prentice-Hall, Stockholm Review, Gertrude, The Other Stories, Burning House Press, and TL;DR. Stage texts have been anthologized by NYTE and Level4 Press. She founded Apocryphal Theatre when in London (2003-11), and was awarded a practice-as-research PhD by Northampton, UK; her BA is from Wesleyan University. Now living in NYC, she is working on a memoir about being diagnosed on the autism spectrum in her late 50s and how an intensive yoga teacher training led her there. Julia also paints, coaches, teaches writing and yoga. Find her full bio and CV at TheUnadaptedOnes.com.

Other Works

  • White shoe lady


Awards and Recognition

  • 2019 Nomadic Press Bindle Award for short-story, which they have now published as a chapbook.